I am terribly impatient. I love starting new projects and get a bit bored when I have figured out the pattern for objects I have already started knitting. Impatience is going to be a big theme here. One thing that really kills my buzz is weaving in ends. I hate it. Same thing with seaming and putting on buttons and embellishments. But even that has to do with dealing with ends of yarn. It is nice to have a finished piece but so often I put off these final touches. Right now I have the following AFOs (almost finished objects):
My favorite baby blanket square so far xoxo |
- one striped ribbed scarf (SO many ends)
- one two color scarf I have to put end tassels on and weave in ends
- several squares for a baby blanket for which I need to weave in ends and seam together
- a hat which I need to iron and attach embellishments and....weave in the ends
While I am at it, I might as well go ahead and list some of my UFOs which have stayed unfinished because I don't want to deal with them:
- one baby blanket that I have to rip out a few rows on but it is on circular needles and I need to be in a good head space to deal with that
- handwarmers- I don't want to make the other one
- one cabled scarf- I am using the needles for another scarf right now
Now that I have made these lists my list of works in progress seems awfully short. Which makes me feel awesome.
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