If you'd have told me at the beginning of 2011 that I would be knitting like I do by the end of the year I wouldn't have believed you, but isn't that what makes time so crazy?! If I think about 2011 in passing, I feel like it was a boring year, a year where nothing that awesome or exciting happened, a rut year if you will. But then if I think a bit harder I realize just how much has happened- my husband and I made a new home for ourselves in a new city, we made new friends and strengthened old friendships, I tried a variety of jobs (though none of them was my dream job- related newsflash- 2012 will be the year of finding a job I love...or like a lot), I was in a flashmob, my friends and I ran a half marathon, we went to Hawaii(!!), we got a car...I could go on but I won't because I have to get to the most exciting part of this post. So in short, if this was a rut year then I am super excited (and preemptively exhausted a little bit) about what this new year is bringing with it!
And because no new year is complete without resolutions to break, here are mine (knitting related only). In 2012 I will knit/make/do the following:
1. Clapotis
2. Entrelac
3. Something with my handspun
4. Grown-up sweater
5. 3 pairs of socks
6. Turn a Square Hat
7. Something with Blue Heron Rayon Metallic, maybe #1 because it would
look awesome
8. Knitting retreat
9. Podcast
10. Blog more regularly
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